Title: The Tutor's Daughter
Author: Julie Klassen
Our Rating: 5/5
Plot: Emma Smallwood and her father have recently arrived in Cornwall to tutor the youngest sons of Sir Giles, the father of two previous pupils, Henry and Phillip Weston. But something feels wrong. Sir Giles seemed very flustered when they arrived, and his wife all but told them to go back home. It was Emma and her father's understanding that they were expected, and to be welcomed, but the opposite is true. Soon after, strange things begin to happen. Emma hears wailing one night, and then someone playing the pianoforte the next. The two boys her father is tutoring say that Ebbington Manor has a ghost. Emma is completely confused, and when one of the older Weston brothers begins to develop unexpected feelings for her, and she him, things only become more confusing.
We absolutely LOVED this book! It is a definite favorite, and we expect it to be for quite some time! There was never a dull moment in this book, but there wasn't too much romance either. The excitement was perfect, yet the major plot points didn't just come out of nowhere. This book was woven together in just the right way to keep you reading! We would recommend it to anyone who enjoys mystery, romance, excitement, or Regency books!
Book Trailer
Characters: The Characters in this book were very well developed and easily connected to, but the author didn't spend entire chapters describing someone's personality; you just kind of got to know them based on their thoughts and actions. We would tell you our favorite character (as we normally do) but unfortunately, that would spoil the story (no spoilers here)!
Emotion: This book was very exciting, but touching as well. As we said before, there wasn't a single dull part, and it kept us coming back for more.
Elinor's Thoughts: This book was simply amazing! Even though I don't read lots of historical fiction, I loved this one! It will be a definite re-read (and I don't do that often either)! I think one of my favorite things about the book was the hero's seemingly rock-solid emotion, but deeper into the book seeing his sweet, soft side. It actually had me tearing up at one point (and that is really rare, you can tell this book was special right?)! Ok, no joke here, you really need to read this book!
Favorite Quote:
"He did admire you, you know. He just didn't know how to show it."
She gave him an incredulous look. "Mr. Pugsworth?"
"Yes," he said, then walked away, thinking, Him too.
Marianne's Thoughts: This book is a FAVORITE! Ever single thing about it was absolutely perfect! I loved seeing Emma's faith in God strengthen. I also loved the romance. It was definitely not over the top! It was so sweet, and beautiful, while still seeming realistic. Here, let me sum it up for you: Julie Klassen knows how to write romance! Like my sister said, the hero was a bit rock-solid and stubborn on the outside, but the sweetest most caring guy on the inside! I also really liked that Emma's personality was a lot like mine. She was sweet and considerate... but a bit up-tight every now and then... and a control freak. All of these qualities are ones that I can relate to. ;) The excitement was also amazing! It was just enough to make you shiver every now and then, giving you a very thrilling experience without being too frightening. I'm sure I will re-read this book soon, and will definitely recommend it to many!
Favorite Quote:
"I don't presume to know what you believe, Emma. But I do know that God loves you and forgives you. And if you acknowledge Him as the only one who can truly save you, save anyone, He will."